Monday, October 27, 2008

some things never change

watch this video... one of the most startling short presentations i've seen in sometime about the state of our world.
makes the truth of heb. 13.5, "God is the same yesterday, today, and forever" all the more comforting... yet it makes the challenge of contextualization the need of the hour in many respects. i'd love to hear your experience of this video
(just copy and past this address into your web browser, couldn't get my link function to work on blogger :(


Ashley Lane said...

Well... My first question is... is it really true?

For the time being, I'm going to assume that it is.

My next question is... What does it mean to us?

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting video. I first saw this video at the 2008 Society for Human Resource Management conference in Chicago. I didn't see the entire presentation, but the presenter was a professor at Harvard and I vaguely remember her mentioning that a friend (or colleague) created this video for her.