I thought this quote was both provocative and helpful at the same time.
Many times, I'm not sure what anger looks like if it's not expressed with drama and angst, these thoughts from writer Nancy Groom are very helpful.
My anger against God doesn't feel like I thought it would.
I thought I'd feel deeprage and overwhelming desire to hurt Him.
Instead I find just a deep complaint, a nagging self pity, a free floating dissatisfaction with life and relationships, a quiet conviction that I deserve something better, a profound absence of genuine gratitude for God's gifts, a deep belief that I don't need aSavior (I've done quiet well at living this Christian life without much help from God or anyone else), and an appalling lack of love for or inner connectedness with God.
That angry arrogance shrounds my soul and I am helpless to remove it.
I cannot will it away or or learn one more thing that will dissolve it. If God does not break in, I am undone
I can only beg for grace.... and at the same time wonder whether I evern want or need it.
How profound my rage must be! Deep within is a core of hardness and self-sufficiency, an inner stronghold of resistance to grace that frustrates me as surely as it must grieve the Father.
Whatever it is, I love it's safety more than I want God right now.
-Nancy Groom
I'd love to get your feedback on this quote