Friday, May 09, 2008

Reason For God

This week Mike Lefevre will be finishing up our current series titled, "My Problem With Religion." This series as some of you may know was based off of a book titled "Reason for God," which was written by Dr. Tim Keller.

Tim Keller is a pastor of Redeemer Church in New York City. I would encrourage all of you to take some time and download these free sermons by Dr. Keller. Typically these sermons are $2.50, so here is a chance to get some free sermons by a phenomenal preacher and writer.

Also, these sermons are great for anyone you know who may have any questions about Christianity.

Exclusivity: How can there be just one true religion?

Suffering: If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world?

Absolutism: Don't we all have to find truth for ourselves?

Injustice: Hasn't Christianity been an instrument for oppression?

Hell: Isn't the God of Christianity an angry Judge?

Doubt: What should I do with my doubts? (by David Bisgrove)

Literalism: Isn't the Bible historically unreliable and regressive?

Hope you enjoy these...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for connecting us with these resources james...