Tuesday, April 08, 2008

how is the gospel confronting you?

the gospel of grace not only consoles us, it also confronts us.

consider the following quote by anne lamont...
interesting/ challenging

"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do."
-Anne Lamott

we must be careful not to make God look a lot like us.. with all our same preferences, bias, and opinions... in my case, God is not a white, capitalistic, moderate republican with a master's degree... read through the gospels as if you didn't know Jesus, try to pick up what's important to him.. how offended he makes you.
to rightly respond to the gospel of grace, you will find yourself both wounded and healed.

1 comment:

roy said...

great quote, between the eyes at times I am afraid.