Tuesday, June 26, 2007

So, Charlie Tells Me You're A Boo-tcher!?

I believe we heard some things today that are absolutely invaluable! I feel much more equipped and able to carry on gospel conversations with Muslims after today. That's very exciting!

We're also digging deep with one another, and getting authentic. We had a great time of devotions this morning!

And most of us are also struggling with some mild sickness. It's just some upset stomachs and sinus issues. Nothing to get too worried about. But please do pray! David spent most of the day between the bathroom and bed. That's no fun! We could use your prayers.

So, invaluable info, authenticity & depth, and sick stomachs. . . sounds like a mission trip to me! haha We're really getting into the meat of our time. Thanks for your prayers! We'll see ya soon.

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