Friday, June 29, 2007

I Think A Change Would Do Me Good

What was the last thing that really changed you? Today we spent time with some very young kids who play, eat, live in garbage. We drove through their trash-filled neighborhood. We toured the tiny kindergarten that brings a ray of hope into their lives. The only way to explain it, is that I feel changed. Not in the dramatic, annoying way. Well, let's hope not. . . Changed in a small way- a shift in perspective. We know there is a response. Would you pray that God might direct our hearts in that response?

My goal was to write something funny everyday. Clearly I have failed. We've had PLENTY of fun! But, we've also seen SO MUCH. I hope to share some photos and stories with you face to face. I hope.

ps this is the last blog until we return home. some of us will be at the gathering sunday. hope to see you there.

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