Tuesday, May 29, 2007

just a little won't hurt

just once won't hurt. justification. i'm great at it.
*one more bite can't hurt
*one more purchase on my credit card is no big deal
*who will know about this sin? ... hmmm.. its just a little one, no big deal, right?
Here is a quote I came across that has been shaping me as of late. It's from a guy named Martin Llyod Jones, a guy from the other side of the pond (read Britin).. one of my dead heroes (most of my heroes are... they don't disappoint you!).
Now, let me warn you: it's pretty full strength, so read it at your leisure and re-read it if you want to. But, as I've allowed it to sift through the various aspects of my soul I've found it redemptively confrontational.
Let me know what you think..

"Be careful how you treat God, my friends. You may say to yourself, “I can sin against God, and then, of course, I can repent and go back and find God whenever I want him.” You try it. And you will sometimes find that not only can you not find God but that you do not even want to. You will be aware of a terrible hardness, a callosity in your heart. And you can do nothing about it. And then, you suddenly realize that it is God punishing you in order to reveal your sinfulness and your vileness to you. And there is only one thing to do. You turn back to him and you say, “Oh God, do not go on dealing with me judicially, though I deserve it.
Soften my heart. Melt me. I cannot do it myself.” You cast yourself utterly upon is mercy and upon his compassion."Martin Lloyd-Jones, 1899-1981

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